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Meaning: God's gift
Meaning: God given; Gift of God
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Meaning: Wealthy spear; Wealthy guard; God's gift
Meaning: Wealthy protector; God's gift
Meaning: Of Edmund; Wealthy protector; Of Theodore; God's gift
Meaning: protector of the land
Meaning: Of Theodore; God's gift; Ruler of the people
Meaning: Of Theodore; Wealthy guard
Meaning: Darling; Beautiful, pretty
Meaning: Small duck; Greenish blue color
Meaning: Victory, success
Meaning: Follower of Christ; Strong, healthy
Meaning: Fair, darling; Toy; Poet
Meaning: poet, philosopher
Meaning: Pretty; White; Blessed; Fair, lovely; Shining
Meaning: praise song
Meaning: Glory; Praise; Song of praise
Meaning: Divine; Radiance, brilliance; Sound
Meaning: River
Meaning: Darling; Fair; Beautiful, attractive; Poet
Meaning: Poet; Philosopher
Meaning: Strip of land; Darling; Pretty, beautiful; Poet
Meaning: Righteous; Well-governed
Meaning: Small water bird
Meaning: River; Younger sibling
Meaning: Life, she who lives
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