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Meaning: having to do with horses
Meaning: horseman
Meaning: strolling player
Meaning: Rope-maker
Meaning: Rope-maker; Handgrip; Handle; Hilt
Meaning: Companion
Meaning: Brave, bold; Halter
Meaning: Alert, watchful; Brave
Meaning: blind; sixth
Meaning: Alert, watchful
Meaning: To hide or conceal; Hiding place
Meaning: alert, watchful
Meaning: Thorny tree; Pure
Meaning: thorny tree
Meaning: Arrogant
Meaning: Battle
Meaning: Of Cadence; With rhythm; To fall
Meaning: fighting man's settlement
Meaning: Strong fortress
Meaning: kindly and loved
Meaning: battle
Meaning: worsted fabric
Meaning: eagerness for war
Meaning: clarity, whiteness; free man
Meaning: Round; Barrel; Battle
Meaning: pure
Meaning: Battle; Spirit of the battle; The wooded stream
Meaning: Beautiful princess
Meaning: Son of Cadán; Round; Battle; Friend, companion
Meaning: with rhythm
Meaning: Musical conclusion
Meaning: Cadence; Rhythmic
Meaning: Folk song
Meaning: younger
Meaning: Pure
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