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Meaning: Other, foreign; Honor; Light, little light
Meaning: Honorable; Light
Meaning: Honor, valor; Luminous; Light
Meaning: Light; Women of honor; Torch; The bright one; The other Aenor
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Meaning: Light; Paradise, garden; God is gracious
Meaning: Northman
Meaning: Norm, rule; Northman
Meaning: Northman; Inhabitant of Normandy
Meaning: Northerner, northman
Meaning: From Normandy; From the north
Meaning: northerner
Meaning: Northerner, from the north; Norseman
Meaning: Rule; Northman
Meaning: Goddess of fate; Orchid
Meaning: One-eyed; Spring; Of Limburg; To warn; To communicate secretly; Of the Norn
Meaning: Peaceful; Rest; Honor; Light
Meaning: Northerner
Meaning: Woman of honor
Meaning: North
Meaning: northern cliff
Meaning: northern farm
Meaning: North town
Meaning: From the north valley; town of the Normans
Meaning: Northern town
Meaning: Norman town; Northmen's town; Of Norville, France
Meaning: northern town
Meaning: Northern friend
Meaning: North friend
Meaning: Protector of the North, warden of the North
Meaning: Northern well, north spring
Meaning: warden of the north
Meaning: Northern friend, friend from the north
Meaning: northern friend
Meaning: North wood
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