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Meaning: One who grinds grain
Meaning: Guardian of the mill
Meaning: mill on the bank
Meaning: mill near the stream
Meaning: mill stream
Meaning: mill stream; mill near the stream
Meaning: Helper to the priest
Meaning: Of Mildred and Millicent; Gentle strength; Strong work; Of Camilla; Helper to the priest
Meaning: one who grinds grain
Meaning: One who grinds grain, operates a mill
Meaning: guardian of the mill
Meaning: Smile; To laugh at
Meaning: mill-ford
Meaning: Helper to the priest; Bee, honey
Meaning: Strong in work
Meaning: gentle strength; strong in work
Meaning: Strong work; Unceasing; Brave
Meaning: bee; honey
Meaning: To grind
Meaning: mill town
Meaning: Diligent, brave, vigor; Gentle strength; Rival
Meaning: Soldier; Merciful
Meaning: Merciful, gentle
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Meaning: Mill town; Middle settlement
Meaning: Mill town, middle settlement
Meaning: brave strength
Meaning: Dove
Meaning: Sea of bitterness; Wonderful, lovliness
Meaning: The wise one
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