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Meaning: Who is like God?; Victory of the people; Great lake
Meaning: Who is like Yahweh?
Meaning: who resembles God?
Meaning: Who resembles God
Meaning: Who is like God; Messenger
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Meaning: Who is like God?
Meaning: Who resembles God?
Meaning: Brook
Meaning: Who is like God? Brook
Meaning: Who is like God; Of Michiko; The righteous way
Meaning: who resembles God?; gift from god
Meaning: Passing child; Child of beautiful wisdom; Child of beautiful knowledge
Meaning: The messenger who is like God
Meaning: Who resembles God, who is like God?
Meaning: Path; Beautiful wise child
Meaning: beautiful, wise child; passing child
Meaning: Man with strength of three thousand
Meaning: Beautiful; Wisdom; World; Night; Space
Meaning: A blessed gift from God
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