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Meaning: Caretaker of the horses
Meaning: Warlike; God is gracious
Meaning: Caretaker of horses
Meaning: Mars; God of war; Dedicated to Mars
Meaning: Dedicated to Mars
Meaning: dedicated to Mars
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Meaning: town near the marsh
Meaning: a town near the marsh
Meaning: Descended from Mars
Meaning: Mistress; Lady
Meaning: Lady; Mistress of the house; Mars
Meaning: Forceful person; Hammer; Warrior of Mars
Meaning: Dedicated to Mars; Hammer
Meaning: Hammer
Meaning: Of Martha; Lady; Mistress of the house; Hammer
Meaning: Lady; Mistress of the house
Meaning: lady; mistress of the house
Meaning: Warlike
Meaning: Dedicated to Mars; Warlike; Human
Meaning: Lady; Mistress of the house; Dedicated to Mars
Meaning: Son of Mars; Warlike
Meaning: Dedicated to Mars; God of war
Meaning: Son of Mars
Meaning: Dedicated to Mars, warlike
Meaning: Son of Martin
Meaning: Island of flowers or fertile island with luxuriant vegetation
Meaning: Servant Of Mars, God Of War
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