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Meaning: Of Elizabeth; God's promise, My God is an oath
Meaning: Holly garden; The gray castle
Meaning: Garden of hollies
Meaning: Of Leslie; Holly garden; Gray castle
Meaning: Garden of holly
Meaning: Reason, language; Power, capability; Beautiful
Meaning: Relaxed; Weary
Meaning: Vine; To twine around
Meaning: to twine around
Meaning: helmet of will, protection; Strong-willed warrior
Meaning: Lotus, waterlily; Waterfall; White silk; Skilled; (To become) great
Meaning: To twine around, bound, wrapped up; Youth; God answered me
Meaning: Of Leander; Lion man
Meaning: Lion man
Meaning: Bond; To twine around; Youthful or Jove's child; Lily
Meaning: A beam
Meaning: To twine around
Meaning: My God is an oath; Lily
Meaning: Of Liora; Light for me; Of Lara; Citadel
Meaning: You are mine, you belong to me
Meaning: My God is an oath
Meaning: Dear; Love
Meaning: God is my oath
Meaning: oath of God; God is satisfaction
Meaning: God's promise; My God is an oath
Meaning: God's promise
Meaning: Pleasant, nice; To love
Meaning: Free, liberty
Meaning: Freedom; Liberty; Civil status as a free man
Meaning: free
Meaning: Liberty, free
Meaning: Liberty, freedom
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