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Meaning: Youthful; Sacred to Jupiter
Meaning: youthful; love's child
Meaning: Jove's child, youthful; Downy-bearded; Sky father
Meaning: Youthful; Jove's child
Meaning: Youth, youthful, juvenile; Jupiter; Sacred to Jupiter
Meaning: Youthful, juvenile
Meaning: Youthful
Meaning: Soft-haired little youth
Meaning: Youth, youthful, juvenile; Haired, bearded, downy-bearded
Meaning: Youthful; Sacred to Jupiter; Jehovah is the Lord
Meaning: Young, youthful; Jove's child
Meaning: youthful or Jove's child
Meaning: Youthful; Jove's child; Downy bearded
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Meaning: Jove's child; Youthful; Downy-bearded
Meaning: Jove's child
Meaning: Youthful; Downy-bearded
Meaning: Youthful; Jove's child; Grace, mercy
Meaning: Youthful; Jove's child; God has favored me
Meaning: Youthful; Downy-bearded; Sacred to Jupiter
Meaning: youthful; Jove's child
Meaning: Youthful; Jove's child; Sky father
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