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Meaning: Joyful, happy; To move lightly
Meaning: Graciousness; Pleasant, happy, delighted
Meaning: Grace of the Lord; Pleasant; Happiness, laughter
Meaning: Grace of God; God answers
Meaning: True believer; Monotheist
Meaning: Gracious
Meaning: gracious
Meaning: Gracious, God is gracious; Servant, maid
Meaning: Gracious, showed favor; Joyful, happy
Meaning: Resting place; Happiness, joyful
Meaning: A place to rest; To be happy; Pleasant
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Meaning: Home ruler; God is gracious
Meaning: Of Anne and Hannah; He (God) has favored me; Of Johan; God is gracious
Meaning: high meadow
Meaning: High meadow; Swallow
Meaning: High meadow; Beauty, grace
Meaning: Beautiful; Champion, hero, warrior; High meadow
Meaning: God has favored me, favor; Grace
Meaning: Favor; Grace
Meaning: He (God) has favored me; Grace
Meaning: Grace; He (God) has favored me
Meaning: God is gracious
Meaning: Grace; God is gracious
Meaning: A place to rest; To be happy
Meaning: A place to rest or to be happy; Favor, grace
Meaning: Grace of Baal
Meaning: He (God) has favored me
Meaning: grace of God
Meaning: A place to rest or to be happy; Pleasant; Of happiness; Bliss
Meaning: dedicated
Meaning: He (God) has favored me; Favor; Grace
Meaning: a place to rest or to be happy
Meaning: Vowed, dedicated; Experienced; Profound
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