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Meaning: Peaceful warrior
Meaning: peaceful warrior
Meaning: Shameless
Meaning: Hero, heroic
Meaning: Hunt; Hunter, pursuer; Wolf
Meaning: One who hunts, pursuer
Meaning: hunter's settlement
Meaning: Hunter's settlement
Meaning: meadow of the hunter
Meaning: Meadow of the hunter; Hunter; Meadow
Meaning: Meadow of the hunter
Meaning: Meadow of the hunter; From the hunt field
Meaning: Sun ray, beam
Meaning: God is gracious
Meaning: Fragrant
Meaning: shining army
Meaning: Sea tides; Long ridge; Descendant of a long-time warrior; Great flood; Hill; Corner clearing
Meaning: Woodland clearing at the corner; Descendant of Urthuile; Great flood
Meaning: Sea tide; Sea valor
Meaning: Descendant of Uirthile; From a corner clearing
Meaning: Thicket of trees, wooded grove
Meaning: good or small handsome one
Meaning: Good; Handsome, beautiful
Meaning: First-born twin; Beautiful, virtuous, goodly; High mountain
Meaning: hope
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Meaning: From Hugh's town, settlement on the hill
Meaning: Son of Hugh
Meaning: Huchon's son
Meaning: settlement on the bluff
Meaning: Settlement on the bluff
Meaning: Soul; Mind, intellect
Meaning: Hook; Of Hugh; Mind; Soul
Meaning: Hugh's ford
Meaning: Hugh's meadow
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