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Meaning: Divine, heavenly; Bright, shining one
Meaning: Divine
Meaning: Combination of Dee and Andrea; Manly and strong, courageous
Meaning: Divine; Goddesslike
Meaning: divine
Meaning: Heavenly, divine, bright, shining one
Meaning: Divine, goddess-like
Meaning: Dice
Meaning: Dyer of cloth; Dark colored
Meaning: Son of the sea; Great tide, great flow
Meaning: Born from the sea; Great tide
Meaning: Born from waves; Of the sea
Meaning: Perfect; true, reliable, genuine
Meaning: Self reliant individual
Meaning: son of the sea
Meaning: Perfect; True; Reliable
Meaning: Of Dylan; Of Dillon; Like a lion; Loyal; Son of the sea
Meaning: Like a lion; loyal; son of the sea
Meaning: perfect; true, reliable
Meaning: Diamond; Unbreakable
Meaning: Of St. Dympna; Fit, eligible
Meaning: Fit or eligible
Meaning: Of James; Supplanter
Meaning: The bringer; She who can, the capable one; Justified
Meaning: Judgement
Meaning: The people's ruler
Meaning: Son of Denise
Meaning: Defender of humankind
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