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Meaning: Head of hair; Long-haired; Hairy; Hair
Meaning: Of Caesar; Head of hair
Meaning: head of hair
Meaning: Hairy
Meaning: Hair; Hairy; Mop of hair
Meaning: Head of hair
Meaning: blind; sixth
Meaning: Of Franciscus; Free man
Meaning: Blind; Sixth
Meaning: man's defender
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Meaning: conception
Meaning: Gentle, kind, fair
Meaning: Of Caesar; Cut; Head of hair, hairy
Meaning: He (God) has favored me
Meaning: Life
Meaning: life
Meaning: My God is an oath; My God is abundance
Meaning: God's promise; God is my oath
Meaning: Deadwood
Meaning: Huntsman
Meaning: Protector, defender
Meaning: Of Chad; Defender or protector; Battle warrior
Meaning: defender or protector
Meaning: Moon shining
Meaning: Warrior; town of Ceadda
Meaning: Ceadda's dairy farm; Warrior's town; Battle leader of a small creek
Meaning: dairy farm of Ceadda
Meaning: Gracefulness
Meaning: Friendly person
Meaning: Renowned, light
Meaning: Alive, living
Meaning: mischevious boy
Meaning: candle maker
Meaning: dear, beloved
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