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Meaning: blind; sixth
Meaning: Blind; Sixth
Meaning: blind or sixth
Meaning: Blind; Heaven
Meaning: kindly and loved
Meaning: Cedar tree
Meaning: Goddess of the stars, like a star; Bounty
Meaning: Kind; Beloved; Pattern of bounty, spectacular bounty
Meaning: kindly, loved
Meaning: Beloved; Spectacular bounty
Meaning: Battle chieftain, war leader
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Meaning: Of Cecilia; Blind
Meaning: west wind
Meaning: Blind; Sixth; Heaven
Meaning: Sixth; Blind; Heavenly
Meaning: Traditional Celtic dance; Slender; Fair
Meaning: Blind; Sixth; Heavenly
Meaning: Visit; Visiting
Meaning: beautiful, sweet, fair
Meaning: Beautiful, lovely; Blessed
Meaning: cherry
Meaning: Blind; Moon; Heavenly
Meaning: swallow
Meaning: Blind; Sixth; Heaven, heavenly
Meaning: Hand of silver
Meaning: heaven; the moon
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