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Meaning: Fired from a bow
Meaning: bear or rock
Meaning: Army ruler
Meaning: The light bringer
Meaning: belligerent
Meaning: masculine
Meaning: masculine; brave
Meaning: Manly
Meaning: Masculine; Virile
Meaning: Virile, strong
Meaning: Most honest
Meaning: dawn
Meaning: Bear; A champion
Meaning: Bear; Rock
Meaning: Strong as a bear; Bear-king; Guardian of the bear
Meaning: Of Artin; Pure, virtuous
Meaning: Dedicated to Artemis; Work of art
Meaning: follower of the goddess Artemis
Meaning: Of Artemis; Safe; Bear-goddess; A butcher
Meaning: Safe; Pure; Bear
Meaning: Follower of the goddess Artemis
Meaning: Twin of Apollo; Butcher
Meaning: A gift from Artemis
Meaning: Riches, wealth
Meaning: bear
Meaning: Of Mac Ardghail; High valor
Meaning: Bear stone
Meaning: Noble; Courageous; Bear
Meaning: Bear; Man; King
Meaning: bear; strong man; Thor, the eagle
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