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Meaning: Heavenly cloud
Meaning: Beautiful light
Meaning: manly and virile
Meaning: one choice
Meaning: mountain
Meaning: Manifest itself, appear, reveal
Meaning: Swift or fast
Meaning: April
Meaning: pleasant
Meaning: Dust
Meaning: Sea foam; Greek goddess of love and beauty
Meaning: Father's joy
Meaning: Of Apollo; Destroyer
Meaning: Of Apollo; Resembling Apollo
Meaning: Destroyer
Meaning: Strength
Meaning: Belonging to Apollo
Meaning: belonging to Apollo
Meaning: destroyer
Meaning: Of Apollo; To destroy; Strength
Meaning: A follower of Apollo
Meaning: follower of Apollo
Meaning: Follower of Apollo
Meaning: Manly beauty
Meaning: embracing
Meaning: butterfly
Meaning: Butterfly
Meaning: apostle, disciple
Meaning: Aztec goddess of purity
Meaning: Apple
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