Ava Kowalski

By Ava Kowalski
Global Naming Traditions Specialist

Updated on September 05, 2024


US Popularity Rank: None

Origin: Greek

Meaning: Maiden-like

Parthenios is a boy's name packed with fascinating history and spiritual depth. Related to Parthenia from parthenos ("maiden"), Parthenios finds its roots in Greek mythology, particularly in Athena, who is depicted in statue form as Athena Parthenos. While it might seem surprising due to its feminine roots in the Greek parthenos, Parthenios is best known for Saint Parthenios of Melitopolis in Asia Minor. This remarkable saint, deeply devoted to the Holy Scriptures and helping the poor community of his city, began performing miracles from the age of eighteen, thanks to God's grace. From healing the sick to driving out demons, Saint Parthenios is one example of the power of faith and compassion, reminding baby to choose kindness from day one.