US Popularity Rank: None
Origin: Nigerian
Meaning: This one; Death; God
Onwoachi is a masculine name of Nigerian origin, particularly in the language of Igbo. Possibly a variant of Onwuachi, it can be broken down into parts to mean various things. The word onwoa can translate to “this one,” while onwu can translate to “death.” This can be a powerful choice if you want baby to understand death as a natural part of life. Chi, on the other hand, translates to “God,” and is a common element to traditional Igbo names. Culturally, chi can refer to a person’s spirit or a part of God that resides in them. If you want to connect your little one to this vital part of Igbo culture, Onwoachi can make for a great choice. For some extra encouragement, this can also connect baby to the chef and restauranteur, Kwame Onwuachi. For a name that inspires their future culinary passions, Onwoachi can do the job.