Top Boy Baby Names

Explore our collection of the most popular boy baby names. These names are ranked by popularity and represent current naming trends for boy babies.

Bernie strong and brave bear
Bob Bright; Fame
Boniface fortunate, auspicious
Braydan Descendant of Bradán; Salmon
Brown Brown
Cace Alert, watchful; Brave
Camdon Winding valley; Enclosed valley
Candido White; Pure; Innocence
Cas Master of treasure, the treasure bringer; Shining upon man; Curly-haired; Shield of God; Hollow
Cavin Of Cavan; Handsome
Charlton Settlement of free men
Chasin Castle guard; Watchkeeper; Cantor
Cipriano From Cyprus
Cleon Renowned; Famous; Celebrate
Conroy Wise advisor or man; Keeper of the hound
Cope Cape or cloak
Curry Hill hollow; Descendant of Comhraidhe
Curt Courteous, courtly
Cye Forward looking; Far sighted; Young; Sun
Daimon Guiding spirit; Divine power; Lesser god; Deity
Darel Open; From Airelle
Dathan Fountain
Delmer From the pond; Of the sea
Delmer From the pond; Of the sea
Delroy The king
Demarkus Of Demarcus; Follower of Mars
Demetris Of Demetrius; Follower of Demeter; Earth-lover
Denham village in a valley
Denys Of Dennis; Follower of Dionysius
Din Calm, peaceful; Religion; Humble
Doyle Dark stranger
Doyle Dark stranger
East From the east
Edwyn Wealthy friend
Einer One warrior, battle leader
Eion God is gracious
Enam Gift; Blessings from God; Two fountains; Two eyes
Enock Dedicated; Profound
Favio Bean farmer, bean grower
Fenton Settlement on the marsh; Marsh town
Fowler Bird catcher
Fuller A fuller of cloth
Galo From Gaul
Ganon Fair-skinned, fair-haired
Gedeon Feller, hewer
Godfrey God's peace, good peace
Hall Worker at the hall

About Boy Names

Boy names often reflect cultural traditions and societal expectations associated with boy identity. However, it's important to note that name choices are becoming increasingly fluid, and many parents choose to break traditional gender norms when naming their children.

Naming Tips

  • Consider the meaning and origin of the name
  • Think about potential nicknames and how they sound
  • Check the name's popularity if you're concerned about it being too common or too unique
  • Say the full name out loud to ensure it flows well
  • Consider how the name might age with your child into adulthood

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