Top Boy Baby Names

Explore our collection of the most popular boy baby names. These names are ranked by popularity and represent current naming trends for boy babies.

Christoph Bearing Christ
Chrystian follower of Christ
Cleveland land of cliffs; hilly area
Crispin Curly-haired
Davison Son of David; Son of the beloved
Delfino Dolphin
Dmitriy Follower of Demeter
Eames Of Eamon; Wealthy protector
Elex Defender of men
Elgin high-minded; little Ireland
Elkin God creates
Even Happy warrior; Luck; Fortune; Winner
Everet Brave; Strong boar, brave boar
Fielding Pasture, open country
Frederico Peaceful ruler
Fuad Heart; Conscience
Gable God is bright; God is my strength; A triangular-shaped hill
Geffen Vine
Gerry Of Gerald; Of Geraldine; Spear ruler; Brave
Giles Protection; Kid or young goat
Giles Protection; Kid or young goat
Hakan Noble; High son; From the high dynasty; Emperor; Ruler; Fiery
Hannibal Grace of Baal
Helio The Sun; Apollo
Henning Home ruler
Hobbes The enlightened one; Bright fame
Imad Support; Mainstay; Pillar; Pillar of the religion or faith
Isandro Man's liberator, one who is freed
Itai the Lord is with me; Friend, friendly; Do as you please
Jahi Dignified
Jalin Calm; Healer
Jedaiah Jehovah knows; Invoker of the Lord
Jeron Holy, sacred name
Jerzy Farmer, earth-worker
Jorel Father; God will uplift
Jubal Stream; Ram's horn
Kadon From the wetlands; Companion
Kahleel Friend
Kaidon Companion
Kamdon Enclosed valley; Field, open country; Battlefield
Kaseem One who divides goods
Keeton Hedge farmstead; Ceg's farm
Knoa Peaceful
Lashaun Graced by Yahweh, God is gracious
Lief Heir; Loved
Markeith warlike, woodland, or forest
Markese Nobleman or lord of the borderlands
Matrix Womb; Place or medium where something is developed
Mattheus gift of God
Maximos greatest

About Boy Names

Boy names often reflect cultural traditions and societal expectations associated with boy identity. However, it's important to note that name choices are becoming increasingly fluid, and many parents choose to break traditional gender norms when naming their children.

Naming Tips

  • Consider the meaning and origin of the name
  • Think about potential nicknames and how they sound
  • Check the name's popularity if you're concerned about it being too common or too unique
  • Say the full name out loud to ensure it flows well
  • Consider how the name might age with your child into adulthood

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