Top Boy Baby Names

Explore our collection of the most popular boy baby names. These names are ranked by popularity and represent current naming trends for boy babies.

Roan Red-haired; Raven
Roan Red-haired; Raven
Slater One who lays slates
Slater One who lays slates
Oskar Deer friend; God's spear
Oskar Deer friend; God's spear
Percy One who pierces the valley
Percy One who pierces the valley
Percy One who pierces the valley
Clifford Ford by the cliff
Clifford Ford by the cliff
Cristopher Bearing Christ
German Brotherly; From Germany
Giovani God is gracious
Keoni God is Gracious
Perseus Destroyer
Rafe Counsel of the wolf
Anton Priceless; praiseworthy
Bernard Strong as a bear, brave as a bear
Bernard Strong as a bear, brave as a bear
Syrus Sun
Virgil Maiden; Pure as a lily; Rod bearer, staff bearer; Unknown
Destin destiny or fate
Huxton Of Hucc; Farmstead estate
Kentrell Royal estate; Edge, border
Kiran Bean of light; He who was born in a dark place
Monte Mountain
Quintin The fifth born; Fifth; Queen's town
Arman Desire, wish, hope; To arm, army man
Ishmael God will hear
Smith blacksmith
Smith blacksmith
Sulaiman Peace
Adnan Settler; Eternal settlement; Pleasant; Paradise
Cru A high-quality vineyard; Weir
Luther Army of the people; Famous warrior; Free, freedom
Luther Army of the people; Famous warrior; Free, freedom
Luther Army of the people; Famous warrior; Free, freedom
Meyer Giving light, illuminating; Mayor, leader
Xavi Of Xavier; The new house
Elvin Elf, magical being; Friend
Humberto Shining intellect; Bright; Famous, renowned warrior
Leander Lion man
Ramses Born of Ra
Ranger Forest guardian
Westen Western town; One who lived to the west of the village; Dweller at the west farm
Edson Son of Ead; Son of Edward; Wealth, fortune; War; Isthmus
Edson Son of Ead; Son of Edward; Wealth, fortune; War; Isthmus
Gibson Son of Gibb
Jetson Son of Jet

About Boy Names

Boy names often reflect cultural traditions and societal expectations associated with boy identity. However, it's important to note that name choices are becoming increasingly fluid, and many parents choose to break traditional gender norms when naming their children.

Naming Tips

  • Consider the meaning and origin of the name
  • Think about potential nicknames and how they sound
  • Check the name's popularity if you're concerned about it being too common or too unique
  • Say the full name out loud to ensure it flows well
  • Consider how the name might age with your child into adulthood

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